
Consumer critic : Food in America

New UK student in the States:


Video replies:



Might be little off-topic, but do you see a link to what we have studied so far?


Anonymous said...

This might sound even more off topic, but I am so amazed about this whole youtube thing. And yes, I sound super deprived, but the whole video blogging thing and commenting on people's blog is just crazy amazing to me.

Paperlilies is right though. There is no need for allll the consumer products we have now. But I think it's also nice to have a selection. As for the video responses, I thought they were dull.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you get the drift?? ^^

The guy was being sarcastic, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Well yea I got the sarcasm. I just thought it wasn't funny. lol

Anonymous said...

OHHH no intention to offend you at all =)

Anonymous said...

oh noes, no offen-c/s-e taken :)

Yeah, his sarcasm was kind of half-baked.